हटा देना
हटा देना
= STRIKE OFFउदाहरण : हमें मौत की सज़ा को हटा देना चाहिए।Usage : to strike off defunct companies from register.
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= RULE OUTUsage : John was ruled out as a possible suspect because he had a strong alibi
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= REPULSEUsage : the enemy forces were repulsed.
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= DELETEउदाहरण : पागलपन से बस एक कदम हटा देनाUsage : please dont delete that document.
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= ELIMINATEUsage : the plague wiped out an entire population
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= REMOVEUsage : just one remove from madness
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= EXPUNGEउदाहरण : वह एकल न्यायाधीश द्वारा उसके खिलाफ की गई टिप्पणी को हटा देने की मांग कर रहा है|Usage : The Supreme Court will decide on the matter of expunge a seal on a dairy in Gokulpur village of Delhi
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= LEAVE OFFUsage : the road leaves off at the edge of the forest
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= WINNOW OUTUsage : We should winnow out the death penalty.
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= WRITE OUTUsage : You need to write out the password on the website.
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= RECAPTUREUsage : an attempt to mislead the administration and recapture the government land by the rebels is continuing.
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= DEPOSEUsage : The people depose political parties with wrong motives.
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= EXTRUDEUsage : This process involves extruding the metal.
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= DISSEATUsage : the new company policy may disseat some employees from their comfortable positions.
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= SUPERSEDEUsage : he was superseded by his junior.
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= BOOTUsage : she bought a pair of winter boots.
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= EVACUATEUsage : after the earthquake, residents were evacuated
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= DEVIATEUsage : the course of the river was deviated to prevent flooding.
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= DISCARDUsage : The chef had to discard the burnt toast.